Friday, November 13, 2015

Pregnant Woman Health Book Free download

Pregnant Woman Health Book Free download

Aurat Shadi Say Zichgi Tak By Dr. Muhammad Siddique
Pregnant Woman Health Book Free download.An informative book for woman health PDF book In Urdu, Women’s Sexual Health and Relationships Information Book name “Aurat Shadi Se Zichgi Tak” (Woman from Marriage to Maternity) The author is Doctor Muhammad Siddique Hashmi Matma k nam.Topics are the woman from adult to Mariage, Benefits of marriage in normal age, the Harmful effect of marriage in the earlier age, Ideal life partner (Jewen Sathi) choice, Beauty of life (Husn e Zindagi). What is Ovulation (Hez) in Urdu, information about Menstruation, Fertilization, Birth Control, the 23rd pair of chromosomes and Fetal Growth and read more about the Pregnancy test and diagnosis, Serum blood test, Ultra sono Graph (USG), X-ray test, Antenatal Care, Exp. date of delivery, Ultrasonic Scan test, how to get date of birth with chart of baby, day and night of pregnant woman, basic information, Rest, exercise, relaxation, Sex activities, caring and food, Pre-Eclampsia treatment and care, Eclampsia treatments (Ilaj), Low iron in blood, Heart disease and blood pressure,information about Premature Labour and Postmature labour in Urdu.Read about Post partum Pyrexia (PPP) care and treatment, Engorgement of Breasts and treatment, Cracked Nipples. Read Complete health information book download pdf or read online.


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