Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Skin Fairness for Apple and Honey Face Mask

Skin Fairness for Apple and Honey Face Mask

Skin Fairness for Apple and Honey Face Mask

Skin Fairness for Apple and Honey Face Mask,Famous quotes, apple a day keeps the doctor away, Apple is very useful fruit, it used not just for food has many useful benefits, such bland apple and apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it with cold water the your skin will become Lighten .
Any other use of apples for beauty is that it takes an apple peeling Rub the hands and feet, they will become smooth and ease.
Apple: 1
Honey: 1 tablespoon
Apple Vinegar: 1 teaspoon
Egg: 1
Vitamin C Tablets: 5
Put an apple in a blander and bland it well and during this proses add one tablespoon honey, on teaspoon Apple Vinegar, an egg and 5 Tablets of Vitamin C, make a mixture.
Method for Use
Apply this mask at night before sleep for 40 minutes, wash it off with Medicated Ubtan and Multani Mitti.
In the day time use a cream in which include alpha hydroxy acid, take one tablet of Beta Carotene in morning and evening. You can buy These ingredients from Medical Stores.

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